Sunday, October 26, 2008


Sony's newest Playstation Eye game is here, kinda. It has only been announced to be released in Europe, but judging by how the game looks I'm sure it will make an apperence in the Americas shortly after.

You can draw things to life! That's hella sweet, now I wonder what happend if you punch the little guy?



Yes! It's official Saw VI. It was announced today on VH1's "Scream Queen" by Shawnee Smith from Saw I, II, and III. The winner of the VH1 seires will star in it.

Metal Gear Solid Existence

Yep, thats right. The highly hinted at Konami/Kojima game title has been copyrighted. Just this week Konami has copyrighted the title Metal Gear Solid Existence. Now I am sure that the game won't be hitting the shelves anytime soon, but it is nice to know I have something to look forward to after Christmas.

Metal Gear Solid Pictures, Images and Photos

Hopefully Konami can fix some of the Metal Gear Online bugs, and pack it into the next game. It is also rumored you will be playing as a completely new character.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

GTA 4 Trophies Monday!

Among the 51 trophies to be released Monday, look for:

One Man Army

One Man Army - only those that are wily enough to survive a 6-star wanted level for a full 5 minutes will be rewarded with this one.

Dare Devil

Dare Devil - an award for those who find and execute all of the Unique Stunt Jumps throughout Liberty City.

Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction - an Achievement for those who can pull off blowing up 10 vehicles in 10 seconds or less.

Liberty City Minute

Liberty City Minute - for those that have completed the game story in less than 30 hours. As the Social Club’s Story Club leaderboard can attest, this is not an easy feat.

Look for detailed information on all 51 trophies to be revealed at this Monday when the PLAYSTATION Network update goes live.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Saints Row 2 pimp war!?

So I was playing Saints Row 2 on the Xbox 360 and I came across a group of pimps out side of the strip club. I was like WTF!? So I did my taunt, and this is what happened.


The funny thing was that when they were chasing me through the steets of Stilwater, they were picking up chairs and news stands,


Can someone tell me is this is the pimp hangout, or a little glitch.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What to get?

Well as most of us know, like 362784627 games are coming out in OCT alone! So us gamers need to think what games do I need? Well you really need them all. haha. Socom, Little Big Planet, COD W@W, Saints Row 2, Fable 2, Resistance 2, Guitar Hero WT, and so many more. We need to start saving are money.

To help everyone out I'm going to break them down into price, recommended system, and what order to buy them in.

First every PS3 owner MUST buy Socom, f**k what you heard! The game is great and with the new sever update hardly ever lags. Plus you get a bluetooth. For the game only it's only $39.99 but we HIGHLY recommend you get the bundle, for only $59.99. Because lets be honest, you will end up getting the headset eventually and you don't want to spend another $40 on it.

Our Rating--
4 star Pictures, Images and Photos

Next is Saints Row 2. This game is tons of fun, and you can play hours on end. Its has a great framerate, and has fun online. We highly recommend this for the Xbox 360 and not the PS3 because we have noticed that the PS3 has a slower framerate and no one talks when you play online. The game is only $59.99 and is a must have for open world gamers.

Our Rating--
4 star Pictures, Images and Photos

Now we have played Guitar Hero WT and maybe its because of the new intruments or it wasn't fully done being worked on, but it felt just like Rock Band. One. It was very laggy and hard to play, and it just didn't have that GH feel. The game alone is $59.99 and with the set-up it is around $150.

Our Rating--
4 Stars Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, October 20, 2008

XBL Censored!

Yep! You heard right, and you heard it here first! Starting today any swear words or profanities said in game while playing on Xbox Live will be drianed out or *bleeped*. Now microsoft didn't say wether to many beeps would get you a suspention, but I know I will be on my best behaviour.

The censorship works by recognizing tone of voice and the phrases you use it in, hopefully they perfected this so we aren't hearing, "Hey guys, I have to ____ of- ____ the____of___cats."

Tell me what you think of this in comments, is it really necessary?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Socom Confrontation!

I just got it the other day, it is a great game when you can play! It takes me about 6-10 min just to get into a game, and when I get in it will lag up so much its not worth playing. Now the Socom blog says,

"Due to the tremendous launch of SOCOM Confrontation and large number of

simultaneous players connecting, we are experiencing some server load

issues. We are aware of the current server issues and we are actively

looking into them. We will have these issues resolved as soon as possible."

Now once they get this fixed the game will be insane, I of course bought the BT Headset bundle and here is an unboxing video of it.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Saints Row 2

Tomorrow is October 14th, or the official day one launch of Saints Row 2 in the US. Only 2 more days for our friends down under and 3 days for our friends across the pond in the UK. Saints Row 2 takes place a few years after the original. Several new upstart gangs have been able to sweep in and make their mark on Stilwater. At the same time, a multi-national conglomerate known as the Ultor Corporation has become a pivotal player in city politics, pumping millions of dollars into rebuilding the metropolis.

As leader of the Saints, you'll have to do whatever it takes to protect the members of your gang from new enemies, including the Ultor Corporation and rival gangs.

ESRB Rating: M for Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Drugs

Genre: Action

Online Play: 12 Versus

Here's a few more reviews that came out over the weekend about Saints Row 2. Click on the link above the quote to read the entire article.

WorthPlaying - 9.2 / 10

"Ultimately, Zombie Uprising is a perfect metaphor for Saints Row 2 itself. Like the mini-game, everything in Saints Row 2 is over-the-top. There are quite possibly no other games that can come close to the sheer number of explosions, bullets, murder, and vulgarity on tap here. And you know what? We wouldn't have it any other way."

HEXUS.gaming - 8.5 / 10

"With dozens of missions, open-ended gameplay, co-op and multiplayer modes, anyone who picks up a copy of Saints Row 2 will no doubt still be playing it well into the new year."

Console Monster - 9 / 10

"Yet for all the laughs I had playing the original and the witty accents, Saints Row 2 has gone and blown that all out of the water. The level of voice-acting has improved massively and characters in the game now seem to have a personality; best of all they are witty and some of the comments they come out with will make you laugh out loud. This is videogame comedy and it is good."

GamePlayer - 8 / 10

"If lunacy is your thing, Saints 2 now offers a two player online co-op mode, and the chuckle-factor experienced by yourself soon becomes a laughing fit when you add a mate - especially if your partner in crime is morbidly obese, is wearing a traffic cone for a hat, and does a Michael Jackson jazz kick to show his approval of things. Those of you who enjoyed the co-op antics of Crackdown will be right at home here, and with this feature Saints 2 manages to trump GTA’s much more buttoned down approach to co-operative multiplay."

Level Up! Game show - 8.5 / 10

The game was tons of fun! We had a great time running around blowing s#!& up and killing hookers in stillwater. The planes and other new stuff is great! And there is a great frame rate. We would have rated it a 10 / 10 but there were a few problems. The graphics still aren't 100% there yet, don't get me wrong they look great but its now GTA4.


One more thing! Make sure you go pre-order your copy at gamestop today to get an exclusive code to get a UFO and Pocket bike. I know this for sure, i have my people, lol.

Ipod Touch 2g

I must say I was a little mad myself when I head about the iPod Touch 2g. Only because I had just recently bought and iPod touch. With the built in speaker and the lower price ($299 for the 16GB and only $399 for the 32GB). The latest firmware for the iPod Touch (version 2.1) is available for both the first- and second-generation players, and adds support for on-device Genius playlist creation, Microsoft Exchange push e-mail, multi-language keyboard and dictionary support, MobileMe, multiple calendar management, contacts search, and a scientific calculator.

ipodtouch Pictures, Images and Photos

On the hardware end of things, we're happy to see that the new iPod Touch's lower price does not mean cut-rate construction. In fact, the new iPod Touch 2G feels sturdier and sexier than its predecessor, with a rounded chromed-steel backing that seamlessly wraps around the back and sides of the device much like the iPhone 3G. By popular demand, the iPod Touch 2G now includes a volume rocker switch just like its iPhone cousin, for making quick volume adjustments without fussing with the touch screen. A built-in speaker is also included, concealed within the body of the Touch.